Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

What services does AgeAssured offer?
Is AgeAssured an ongoing service after the initial assessment?
Is the AgeAssured program based on science?
Am I eligible to participate in AgeAssured?
If I’m eligible for AgeAssured, how do I get started?
How do I get in contact with AgeAssured?
Does participating in AgeAssured cost me anything?
Will participating in AgeAssured affect my benefits?
How long does the AgeAssured program last?
How will AgeAssured use my personal information?
Will the information collected by AgeAssured be used to assess my future claim eligibility?
What is the relationship between AgeAssured and my long-term care insurance carrier?
What services does AgeAssured offer?
Is AgeAssured an ongoing service after the initial assessment?
Is the AgeAssured program based on science?
Am I eligible to participate in AgeAssured?
If I’m eligible for AgeAssured, how do I get started?
How do I get in contact with AgeAssured?
Does participating in AgeAssured cost me anything?
Will participating in AgeAssured affect my benefits?
How long does the AgeAssured program last?
How will AgeAssured use my personal information?
Will the information collected by AgeAssured be used to assess my future claim eligibility?
What is the relationship between AgeAssured and my long-term care insurance carrier?
What services does AgeAssured offer?
Is AgeAssured an ongoing service after the initial assessment?
Is the AgeAssured program based on science?
Am I eligible to participate in AgeAssured?
If I’m eligible for AgeAssured, how do I get started?
How do I get in contact with AgeAssured?
Does participating in AgeAssured cost me anything?
Will participating in AgeAssured affect my benefits?
How long does the AgeAssured program last?
How will AgeAssured use my personal information?
Will the information collected by AgeAssured be used to assess my future claim eligibility?
What is the relationship between AgeAssured and my long-term care insurance carrier?